
Blog 5: Education and PLN

Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes of a PLN in a professional capacity – how does a PLN give power to messaging for an individual or community?

Though most people tend to think of PLNs as support systems for classroom teachers, all educators can benefit from sharing with and learning from others. Let us take, for example, the experience of Brad Baker when using social media to extend his teachings. He used social media to advocate for Indigenous education and its importance to the community; this helped him become a positive contributor to his community (Baker 5:25-5:30). Without social media and people like Brad Baker, all information will come from the mainstream media, which presents us only a part of the truth by making us believe it is the absolute truth.

Education occurs in so many environments beyond the classroom, how does social media help expand education and associated needed communications?

Teachers often encourage students to tackle self-learning lessons to develop the capacity of students further. An example of this is when educators support their pupils to engage in social media activities and other free and open content activities, such as blogging and social networking (Veletsiano). Self-learning activities such as these give the learner his/her freedom to write anything that he/she wants. Social media promotes a more accessible and democratic classroom rather than just a platform to learn outside the classroom.

Community communications go beyond blogs and social media shares, how does a PLN help and hinder the development of thoughts and ideas in education discourse?

Communication between persons who have the same information allows for various viewpoints, which aids in the growth of concepts and ideas. a PLN aids in the growth of concepts and ideas. However, privacy may stifle the development of ideas by making only untrustworthy material available for public participation. There are a lot of instances wherein the positive effects of a PLN outweigh the associated negative aspects.

How does the use of PLN raise awareness opportunities in education?

PLN enables students to obtain knowledge from a reliable source. This indicates that when students are exposed to more issues, they are more likely to solve them. PLN allows a learner to create their own network wherein they can exchange relevant and authentic information. It also promotes healthy dialogue, which aids in developing the learner’s mind (Baker 5:36). This will help support any learner with advocacies or ideas to amp the positive impact towards the community further.

What is the role of social media in education?

The use of social media in education allows students to obtain more valuable material, interact with learning groups, and access other instructional systems that make learning easier. It will enable the learner to receive more information by immersing themselves in the platform (Veletsianos). Social networking platforms provide students and educational institutions with several chances to improve learning techniques.

What are some problems with social media communications in education settings?

Teachers should not make presumptions about their students’ knowledge of social media. When developing activities, student competency must be considered. For example, they may be skilled at informal communication. Still, they may not completely grasp what it takes to critically analyze information, engage with the material, and present results in an academic setting. Some students are weak when tackling a new type of information, thus impeding with his/her education. That is when the teacher monitors the student to make sure he/she is right on track.


Veletsianos, George. “Developing Personal Learning Networks for Open and Social Learning.” Emerging Technologies in Distance Education, e-book, AU Press, 2010.

“EDCI 338 – BRAD BAKER.” YouTube, uploaded by Miller, 10 June. 2021,

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